Positions Available at Carversville Farm Foundation! FIELD MANAGER Job description: Carversville Farm Foundation is hiring a Field Manager with significant experience growing Certified Organic vegetables, herbs, and perennials. This is an exciting opportunity for a professional grower looking for a career on the cutting edge of sustainable food production. You…
Low-Tillage Non-Inversion Tree Establishment?
Over the years I’ve been musing and discussing with both myself and a number of folks about the notion of non-inversion, low-till broad scale tree/shrub establishment. Its always concerned me that methods we pioneered, going back to the mid 90’s with the DOJO (ripper:tiller:mounder) and beyond, have been particularly deleterious…
#RegrariansGeography Process — Holstons Station
#2Geography in the #RegrariansPlatform® — our first planning project for 2017 — Holstons Pastoral Co is 1000ha (2500ac) property near Buchan in Gippsland, VIC, AU. Here we are starting things off with the #RegrariansGeography analysis — this is in part adapted from the late P.A. Yeomans Keyline® Geographic and Geometric analysis…
2017 Kicks off at Holston’s Station
We kicked off 2017 with our first farm visit for the year at the 1300ha Holstons Station near Buchan in east Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. The brief is to design build a complete Keyline® landscape using the #RegrariansPlatform. We tested the new DJI #MavicPro — both for getting a bird’s eye view of the site…
Bill Mollison – 1928:2016
Bill Mollison – 1928-2016 This week we received the sad news the renowned biologist, biogeographer and Permaculture co-originator, Bill Mollison, had passed away in Hobart, in his native state of Tasmania. Bill had been unwell for some time and was lovingly cared for by his family up until his passing.…
Integrated Acres Theron Beaudreau talks about his REX in Texas this June
A WELCOME NOTE FROM THE #REXTEX HOSTS! Integrated Acres Welcomes Regrarians’ Darren J. Doherty and Lisa Jane Heenan On June 18th – 27th, Integrated Acres is honored to welcome Regrarians’ Darren J. Doherty and Lisa Jane Heenan for a 10-day Integrated Farm Training (REX). This integrative design training will be held…
Regrarians’ Darren J. Doherty Farm Design Course presentation (May 2014)
In 2014 this site was the host of our first ever 10 day Regrarians Professional Farm Planning & Development Training — now known as the #REX (see www.REX10.org for more info). Attended by 15 professional land managers and designers from all over the world and held in an old (unimproved)…
#RegrariansLandPlanning Live
Live #RegrariansPlatform planning in action! Following is a Regrarians Land Planning (#RLP) session in action. In 2014 this site was the host of our first ever 10 day Regrarians Professional Farm Planning & Development Training — now known as the #REX. Follow us as we develop the digital concept planning…
Celebrate Orella Ranch’s 150th Anniversary & Future with a #REX!
We’re very proud to be holding the first #REX training at the historic Orella Ranch in Gaviota, California. It is a truly beautiful part of the world and we’ve been fortunate to have become great friends with the Tautrim family over the last decade. We asked Orella’s Guner Tautrim to…