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*Want to earn some easy money? *Get USD$50 for each referral? *Reduce your ‪#‎REX‬ costs? *Sponsor #REX scholarships? WHY? We are super keen to build the number of people who have on-farm training based on the ‪#‎RegrariansPlatform‬. The 2016 #REX 10 day professional farm planning series are just the place…

Off the Contour #21 – Extensivising Intensive

Credit: Jason Hagan, McIvor Farm (2014) Extensivising Intensive – Strategies to Mitigate Risk for Intensive Animal Husbandry Systems Recent rulings by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) have classified that some producers in Victoria are managing ‘intensive animal husbandry’ systems. Despite the immediate uproar, particularly focussed on ‘right to…