Rent or Buy ‘Polyfaces’
*Want to earn some easy money? *Get USD$50 for each referral? *Reduce your #REX costs? *Sponsor #REX scholarships? WHY? We are super keen to build the number of people who have on-farm training based on the #RegrariansPlatform. The 2016 #REX 10 day professional farm planning series are just the place…
Yobarnie by on Sketchfab
Upcoming RON sessions with Southampton Homestead
Southampton Homestead have quickly established themselves as a leading pastured poultry enterprise in the south west of Western Australia. Southampton’s Michelle McManus and Jeff Pow have developed the ‘Southampton Poultry Processing Model‘ (SPPM) and have on offer 7 RON modules to share their professional experience around this model. 1. Navigating…
2016 Regrarians World Tour + REX arrives!
The 2016 Regrarians World Tour dates and venues are getting closer to being announced. This tour will focus on the delivery of our flagship training event — the Regrarians 10 day Open Consultancy or ‘REX’. What is the REX? The REX focusses on the development of professional design and consulting…
Off the Contour #21 – Extensivising Intensive
Credit: Jason Hagan, McIvor Farm (2014) Extensivising Intensive – Strategies to Mitigate Risk for Intensive Animal Husbandry Systems Recent rulings by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) have classified that some producers in Victoria are managing ‘intensive animal husbandry’ systems. Despite the immediate uproar, particularly focussed on ‘right to…
2. Geography chapter of Regrarians eHandbook released
After a very long gestation, the Regrarians Handbook team were able to finally get the 2.Geography chapter out today. We produced some 12 versions of this quite detailed chapter and many, many iterations and background maps and so on — particularly for the two Keyline sections. We took a very…
When your Overflow is too Small?
Last week Lisa and I travelled over to Western Australia to complete a consultancy in the humid south west. A few years back, soon after purchasing this historic property, the owner’s had a local contractor build an earthen barrier dam across a valley that runs through the property. This embankment holds…
Regrarians ‘Paddock2Paddock’ Process
Regrarians’ are working with a number of clients across Australia and the USA who have, or are planning small-medium scale, and in some cases, mobile livestock processing units. We are working with the likes of Tom Duncan (, an old friend and colleague who among other things trained and worked extensively with…
Regrarians Open Consultancy (ROC), July 8-9 2015 at Balingup, WA, AU
Michelle McManus and Jeff Pow Own and operate Southampton Homestead and Farm, a 120-acre property in Balingup, Western Australia that has been transitioned from a pine plantation to a regenerative and fully integrated pasture-based poultry operation. You will get to see firsthand how Southampton Homestead is currently building up their pastured…