Discovery — $USD10 / month
Subscriptions are open-ended, but the minimum membership length is 12 consecutive months. Refunds are not accepted.
- Regrarians Workplace — Access to the Regrarians® Workplace — our exclusive regenerative agriculture forum and content/project management platform – valued at USD$100/year
- Regrarians Library — Full Access to the Regrarians Platform® Resources, an extraordinary catalogue of support materials for any Regrarian – valued at USD$100/year
- Regrarians Online Repository (RON) Discount — 10% discount off full Access to Regrarians ONline (‘RON’) Live & Recorded Instructional Sessions – valued at USD$800
- Regrarians Handbook Discount —10% discount off a copy of the Regrarians Handbook (when completed) – valued at $150
- Regrarians Onsite Programs Discount — 10% discount off any Regrarians Onsite Programs
Price: $USD10 / month or $USD120 per year
Value: $USD300+